lundi 25 octobre 2010

Is U.S space's owner ?

This is not really a recent news, but it is good to think back when the time is at new president in the head of the United States of America, and most importantly, to ask where is this right granted ! I mean the fact that the U.S. reserves the right to deny space to enemies who would harm U.S. interests, as stated by a U.S. strategic document published in October 2006.

President George W. Bush has approved 31 August 2006 at the American strategy in space, and the document was quietly released by the White House on the 6 October. This document, which replaces the previous strategy dating back to 1996, also rejected any ban on weapons in space and encourages the development of a large private sector U.S. space.

"The national security of the United States depends critically on the ways in space and this dependence will grow", says the document. The text directs the Secretary of Defense to "develop capabilities, plans and options to ensure freedom of action in space, and if it is directed, deny such freedom of action for the enemies."

"Freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea," says the policy paper.

"The United States will oppose the development of new laws or restrictions seeking to prohibit or limit U.S. access to space or the use of space. Agreements on arms control proposed must not damage the rights of U.S. efforts to conduct research, carry out tests or conducting other activities in space for U.S. national interests, "according to the text.

Information is scarce about it, so I find it interesting to keep this word in a small corner of his head!